See if you’re eligible for potential funding
The Institute of Digital Marketing New Zealand certifications is registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. You may be eligible for funding.
Please note that the funding from the RBP is not guaranteed for any customer.
Do I qualify?
The following criteria will be used by the Regional Business Partners to identify whether or not your business qualifies for funding:
Have undergone an assessment with a Regional Business Partner (i.e. Growth Advisor)
Have fewer than 50 full-time employees.
Are registered for GST in New Zealand
Are operating in a commercial environment.
Are a privately owned business, or are a Māori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Maori assets under multiple ownership.
Demonstrate a desire to innovate and grow.
Contact your regional growth advisor to find out if you’re eligible.